Module 2 - Final Reflection

Final Reflections: 
Looking in the Rear View Mirror

Photo taken by author

Aha! Moment Number 1:

My initial blog was based on the idea of investigating the ‘i of inquiry’ suggesting that inquiry continues to be a complex and messy process, much like a storm.  

The heart of this was focused on the idea that there is a continuous struggle between the concept of inquiry being student driven, yet being something that I am able to manage and plan for as an educator who is responsible for learning that takes place in my classroom.  As a result of my explorations, in particular through exploring the research behind different inquiry models, I am reassured that as a teacher I play a significant role in framing the inquiry for my students, and that this is not only supported by research, but recognised as being an essential part of the process.  The areas that this is evident through include:

  • Establishing intended learning targets and identifying skills that support the inquiry process 
  • Framing the inquiry through questions to be investigated 
  • Developing ways to support students in developing arguments and explanations 
  • Supporting students in communicating what they have learnt
In recognising that this guided process of inquiry is not only legitimate but valued in the broader community of inquiry based educators, is significant for me and allows me to continue to explore how this can be achieved.   I now feel that I have the theoretical background and research to support the decisions that I make as an educator and that allow me to justify my choices and level of guidance that I provide to my students during our units.

Aha Moment Number 2:

Through exploring the GeSTE model I am left feeling that there is a significant next step for me to take as an educator, this being to further explore ways that I can move my inquiries from a situational level to a transformational level.  By looking for investigations that are more significantly found in the context of real world and society based, I could provide a more motivating and significant learning experience for my students and encourage them to make deeper connections between the learning that happens in the classroom, and their role in the world outside of school.  


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