Module 2 Peer Feedback
Feedback 1:
Hi Belinda,
Hi Belinda,
I haven’t found a way to put this on your blog so here it is: Errant Path Inquiry
I really appreciate the way that you have made visible thinking routines so prevalent and front and centre in your work. I think this provides a great basis for the students to learn and apply the type of thinking skills that you want them to develop.
Your unit plan is thorough and detailed. I find the way that you have introduced two cycles of inquiry a valuable approach towards ensuring that there is a direct teaching phase but also supporting the students interests through the second phase. An insightful approach.
Well done! Sasha
Feedback 2:
Hi Bonny,
I haven’t found a way to put this on your blog so here it is: Quest for Inquiry
I really connected with your reflection and the notion that it was both helpful to learn about different models of inquiry and feel supported that it was ok for us as educators to make decisions and plan steps along the way of a guided inquiry. I also really appreciate how you have used inquiry to support an arts based unit and were able to push the GeSTe model right through to the expressive window by having the students consider how choices affect the viewer. This provides a really valuable connection to real life for the students and pushes their learning well beyond the classrooms structure. Lucky kids!
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